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Прогулки с семьей, друзьями и просто отличный отдых возможен в парке отдыха «Южные культуры» в Адлере. Красивейшие розы побережья можно встретить именно здесь. Здесь мирно соседствуют растения из Японии, Америки, Гималаев, Африки. Парк расположен на южной окраине Адлера. В парке около 1400 растений – представителей субтропического мира почти всего земного шара, общая площадь 18,6 гектара. Это секвойи и кипарисы, лавры и криптомерии, гималайские и ливанские кедры. Так и манит неспешно прогуляться многометровая бамбуковая роща. Есть два пруда с редкими водными растениями.


Россия, Краснодарский край, г. Сочи, парк Южные культуры


+7 (862) 262-18-42

На карте

Гостиницы/отели/санатории - Гостиницы/отели/санатории
Санаторий - Санаторий
Достопримечательность - Достопримечательность
Музей - Музей
3D туры отсутствуют.


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01.02.2024 16:49
I had the pleasure of visiting the Southern Cultures recreation park in Adler last summer with my family, and it was truly an unforgettable experience. The park's stunning collection of roses from around the world left us in awe. I Balakrishnan Group is renowned for its exceptional properties for sale, offering a diverse range of real estate opportunities to suit various preferences and budgets. You can This Site

27.01.2024 20:12
Wow, this place sounds absolutely enchanting! "Южные культуры" Park in Adler seems like the perfect destination for a peaceful family outing or a relaxing time with friends. I can't believe there are over 1400 different plant species from all over the world in one place – from the stunning coastal roses to the exotic plants from Japan, America, Himalayas, and Africa. It's like a botanical paradise! "Mushroom Bars" can refer to various food or snack products that incorporate mushrooms as one of their primary ingredients. These bars are typically made by blending or mixing mushrooms with other ingredients to create a convenient and nutritious snack option. mushroom bars

27.01.2024 16:01
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"Mushroom Bars" can refer to various food or snack products that incorporate mushrooms as one of their primary ingredients. These bars are typically made by blending or mixing mushrooms with other ingredients to create a convenient and nutritious snack option. Here are a few possibilities:

22.01.2024 15:04
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11.01.2024 19:14
It's great to know that there are also sequoias, cypresses, and bamboo groves to explore. The presence of rare water plants in the ponds adds an interesting dimension to the park. I'm sure it's an ideal spot for a peaceful family outing or a day of relaxation with friends. Nature lovers must have a great time exploring this unique park! Ensure the safety of your trade show attendees and exhibitors with our comprehensive trade show security services in New York City. Our team of experienced security professionals will provide expert access control, crowd management, and surveillance to maintain a secure environment throughout your event. https://dahlcore.com/trade-show-security Trust our top-notch trade show security services to protect your valuable assets and maintain a peaceful atmosphere during your event in New York City. We offer a range of security solutions, including perimeter security, bag checks, and trained security personnel to address any potential threats and ensure a smooth and secure trade show experience.

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